Get Involved
Engage with the Bailey College of Science and Mathematics
Private support enhances student success and gives science and mathematics students increased Learn by Doing opportunities. You can support Cal Poly students — the state and nation's future leaders in education, innovation and industry — in the way that's right for you.
Guest Speaking
Our faculty and students want to hear from you — your experiences are valuable learning opportunities.
Most students at Cal Poly receive some form of financial aid. By creating a scholarship, you can help foster the next generation of leaders and innovators while establishing a legacy students will remember.
College and Department Support
Gifts made directly to the college or your department extend and improve student learning in a number of ways, including developing facilities and enhancing instructional technology.
Click here for ways to give
Matching Gifts
Many employers offer matching contributions to their employees' donations making your philanthropic dollars stretch twice as far.
Student-Faculty Research
Students work with faculty members on their real-world, ongoing research projects. You can sponsor students who are applying the knowledge they gain in the classroom right away.
Research Centers
The college's five centers provide the heart of research and collaboration. You can keep Cal Poly on the leading edge of science and technology by giving students the experiences they need to become leaders in education, industry and the health professions.
Join us for the Bailey College of Science and Mathematics Career Fair. Engage with promising students, conduct on-campus interviews, or post a job. This will provide you with direct access to a pool of highly qualified and talented graduates who can support your workforce needs.
Be an Alumni Mentor
Join SPAN (Student Plus Alumni Network). Alumni professionals are invited to sign up as a SPAN Alumni Mentor to be matched with a student in your field. Learn more or register.
Cal Poly students are eager to gain on-the-job experience through internships, providing employers with an opportunity to infuse new ideas and energy into their organizations.
Cal Poly Alumni Association
Cal Poly alumni are proud of their school. Get involved through the Alumni Association by supporting special events such as business networking opportunities or local chapter events.
Visit the Cal Poly Alumni website