News & Events Archives
- Intersections Magazine 2023
- Pier Open House 2023
- Biological sciences professor receives grant for research on noise and light impacts on birds
- $1.9 million climate action grant
- Bio grad launches startup company
- Recent biological sciences graduate McClain Kressman has launched a startup company, BioGlyph
- College renamed to Bailey College of Science and Mathematics
- CSM Undergraduate Research Magazine: Learn about oceanography, vaping, math game theory and more
- CSM Winter Newsletter: Learn about New Programs on Naturalists, Innovators and Climate Leaders
- Bringing Cal Poly STEM Mentorship into the Elementary School Classroom: Learning with ‘Voice and Choice’
- Joining Forces: Cal Poly Establishes New Connection with Prestigious African University
- Cal Poly Awarded $475,000 Grant for Inclusive Teaching in STEM Fields
- Polymers and Coatings Students Win Research Presentations
- New Drone Program Gets Seal of Approval
- Student Research Conference Celebrates Two Decades
- Biology professor receives second career Fulbright Award
- Marine science expands horizons
- Postdoc program offers rare opportunity
- Learn by Doing Lab Uses Body Donations to Teach High School Students
- Chemistry Lab Creates Novel Eco-Friendly Glue
- Public Health Research Grant Assesses Cardiovascular Health
- School of Education to begin grant study on dyslexia teaching guideline
- Technology and infant development focus of $2.7 million public health study
- Ecology’s Next Frontier: Student Researchers Hone in on Rare and Understudied Lichens
- 'The Gift of Independence.' Faculty Members Design App to Help Students with Autism
- Educators of Color Make a Difference on Campus and in the Community
- Seal Swimming Lessons: Cal Poly Study Shows These Seals Learn from Mom
- Feeling Good On Your Hike? It Might Be the Birds, Cal Poly Study Finds
- Physics Professor Named CSU Faculty Fellow
- Despite Obstacles, Single Mom Stayed the Course. Now, the New Grad Wants to Help Others
- Want to Enter a Rattlesnake Den? These Researchers Need Your Help — Don't Worry, It's Remote
- Biology Professor and Forestry Grad Team Up to Publish “Something Wonderful” for Kids
- Meet Some Outstanding Grads from the Class of 2021
- 'We Can't Stop Yet.' Meet the Student Determined to Spread Vaccine Awareness
- Cal Poly Study Finds Light Pollution Increases Likelihood of Spreading West Nile Virus
- Beyond COVID: In the Research Lab, the Fight Against Other Deadly Diseases Continues
- Seven Cal Poly Student Projects Recognized at CSU Student Research Competition
- Cal Poly Sends Ten Student Projects to Annual CSU Research Competition
- 'I Think They Can Get Through Anything.' Education Professionals, Alumni Come Together to Support Students
- Cal Poly Study Sounds Alarm on Effects of Noise Pollution on Plant Communities Over Time
- Cal Poly Team Working on Cross-Disciplinary Data Science and Analytics Effort
- Kinesiology Professor Honored with Young Scholar Award
- Research Project to Explore Impact of Offshore Wind Power Development
- Biological Sciences Professor Receives Prestigious Honorary Appointment
- Biology Students Featured at ACS Conference
- Size of Parrotfish Predation Scars Affects Coral Healing Rate
- Cal Poly Student Finds Noise and Light Can 'Profoundly' Alter Bird Reproduction
- Cal Poly School of Education Awarded $2.1 Million Grant to Prepare, Support Local Educators in Special Education, Bilingual Education
- Cal Poly Study Finds Warmer Waters Threaten Red Abalone Recovery
- Cal Poly and California Sea Grant Appoint Aquaculture Specialist
- Cal Poly Professor and International Team Discover New Genus of Lichen
- Loss of Eelgrass in Morro Bay May Cause Widespread Erosion
- Cal Poly Aims to Find Best Ways to Get Away from the Screen and Get Moving
- Ice Cream and Lava Lamps: Student-Led Learn by Doing Lab Gets Kids Excited About Science
- 'What Am I Going To Do To Stay Active?' Kinesiology Instructor Encourages Fitness At Home
- Botany Students Study Effects of Climate Change — Using 100-Year-Old Plants
- Endangered Local Lizard May be Threatened by Climate Change, According to Cal Poly Study
- Cal Poly Names Josiah Lashley Outstanding Student Employee of the Year
- Cal Poly Contributes to Study on Ways to Increase Sea Otter Population
- Cal Poly Leads Project to Increase Diversity of Faculty in the CSU System
- Biological Science Professor Earns 2019 Ocean Stewardship Award
- Breaking Ground on the Future of Undergraduate Research
- College Honors Graduating Students
- Digitizing the State's Botanical History
- American Astronomical Society Honors Physics Student for Research Presentation
- Cal Poly Hyperloop Club to Compete in SpaceX Competition
- Associate Dean Camille O’Bryant Receives Cal Poly Cross-Cultural Centers’ First Martin Luther King Legacy Award
- Cal Poly Research Measures Effects of Wildfires on Air Quality
- Cal Poly Partners with SLO NOOR Foundation to Provide Mobile Health Clinic in Northern Santa Barbara County
- Physics Professor Receives Grant to Improve Particle Collider
- New Study Aims to Give Babies Healthiest Possible Start
- Faculty and Staff are Distinguished and Outstanding
- Cal Poly Receives Almost $1M to Support STEM Educators
- Preparing Tomorrow’s Teachers to Inspire the Next Generation Today
- From Eelgrass to Mudflat: New Cal Poly Research Dives into Morro Bay Mystery
- Cal Poly Biology Student to Receive CSU Trustees’ Award and $6,000 Scholarship
- Cal Poly Celebrates Neutrino Discovery
- Physics professor Colleen Marlow receives the prestigious Marsden Award from the Royal Society of New Zealand
- Cal Poly Receives U.S. Department of Justice Campus Program Grant for Gender-Based Violence Prevention
- Physics Professor Wins Prestigious National Science Foundation CAREER Award
- Jupyter Collaboration Led by Cal Poly and UC Berkeley Receives Top Software Award
- Biology Professor and Author Publishes Guide to Iconic California Plants
- Biology Professor Helps Develop Model for Sustainable Ocean Use
- Interdisciplinary Teams Bring Power of the Sun in a Suitcase
- Cal Poly Kinesiology and Public Health Professor Wins CSU Award for Outstanding Scholarship
- Cal Poly Research Finds Strong Support for Ocean Protection Worldwide
- Collaborative Cal Poly Study Finds Noise from Oil and Gas Operations Stresses Birds and Hinders Their Reproduction
- Cal Poly Mathematics Professor Named Teaching Innovator by Chronicle of Higher Education
- Cal Poly Research Team Heading to Antarctica to Study Seal Pups
- Baker Center Wins Prestigious Building Award
- Cal Poly Research Finds Resilient Algae May Help Abalone During Ocean Acidification
- Cal Poly Researchers Map Bird Deaths from Window Collisions
- Cal Poly Study Finds Mothers Distracted During Breast and Bottle Feeding
- Cal Poly-UNC Online Program Improves Weight Loss After Childbirth
- Liberal Studies Major Beats Cancer to Graduate with Her Class
- Do Cook Pines Pine for the Equator?
- Cal Poly Bio Students Awarded NSF Research Fellowships
- College of Science and Mathematics to Unveil Diversity-Themed Mural May 26
- Cal Poly Names Dean Wendt to Lead College of Science and Mathematics
- A Historic Gift
- Remote Control of a Giant Telescope? Yeah, That’s Cool
- Students Build Detector for CERN Upgrade
- Cal Poly Goes South, Way South
- NSF Grant Will Aid Search for Blazars, Dark Matter
- Faculty Updates
- Hancock College VP Named 2016 COSAM Honored Alumna
- Cal Poly Students Support the Coldest Cubic Meter — Biggest Chill — in the Universe
- Biology Student Awarded $50,000 Fellowship
- Cal Poly Professor On Team That Solved Mystery Around Distant Supermassive Black Hole
- Cal Poly Named Best in the West for 24th Consecutive Year
- 2016 Fall Conference Schedule
- Biologists Take to Twitter to Advocate for Snakes
- LSAMP Volunteer Recognized for Commitment to Increasing Opportunities on Campus
- Cal Poly Students Look to Sun to Reduce Carbon Footprint, Feed Communities
- Educators Attend Statewide Summit at Cal Poly
- Cal Poly Researcher Awarded NSF Grant to Investigate Effects of Sounds on Bird Species
- Spring Commencement 2016: College of Science and Mathematics
- 5 Cal Poly Students Awarded Marine Research Grants
- Dean Bailey to Retire at End of 2016-17 School Year
- Cal Poly Receives $20 Million Pledge for Research, Technology Center
- Kinesiology Professor Receives $2.8 Million Grant for Gestational Diabetes Research
- Cal Poly Biology Student Conducts First-of-its-Kind Research on Cambria Elephant Seals
- Cal Poly Students Succeed at Statewide Research Competition
- Math, Chem Major Codes Way Into Google Summer Program
- Cal Poly Teams Take First and Second at Data Hackathon
- Cal Poly Student to Travel to Africa to Conduct Research
- Tour the Cal Poly Pier in Avila Beach
- Biochemistry Student Pursues Passion, Earns Scholarship
- Professor Writes on Monitoring El Niño Effects in Morro Bay
- Biologist Receives Pew Fellowship in Marine Conservation
- Study Sheds Light on Campus Food Environment
- Cal Poly Receives Grant to Develop Improved Desalination Technology
- Cal Poly Physics Professor Weighs in on Confirmation of Gravitational Waves
- Cal Poly Research Pier Plays Role in Deployment of Microsoft Datacenter
- Cal Poly Physics Dept. No. 2 in Nation for Graduates
- Kinesiology Professor Named 2015 Simms/Mann Fellow
- Technology Developed by Cal Poly Students Could Change How We Clean Oil Spills
- Pharmaceutical Expert Recognized as 2015 Honored Alumnus
- Professor, Associate Dean Named National Kinesiology Fellow
- Physics Department Receives $225K Grant to Fund Student Research
- Cal Poly Researchers Working to Supplement Anti-Malarial Drug
- Cal Poly Program Could Help Reduce Math Anxiety, Close Gender Gap with NSF Funding
- Cal Poly Alumna Nails Audition for 'The Voice'
- New Students Participate in Week of Welcomes
- Cal Poly Grad Auditions for 'The Voice'
- Cal Poly, UCSB Awarded Grant to Study Interstellar Travel
- Cal Poly Bachelor's Degree Grads' Median Salaries Rank High, Survey Says
- Alumna Named New Elementary School Principal
- Cal Poly Students Dive into Research with STAR Program
- Noyce Scholarship Program Prepares Future Math Teachers
- Coral Restoration Efforts Focus of Biology Professor's Blog Post
- Kinesiology Alumnus Volunteering across the U.S.
- Pluto Flyby Part of ‘Golden Age Of Solar Exploration,’ Physics Professor Sayss
- Cal Poly and UC Berkeley Receive $6 Million Grant to Enhance Collaboration in Data Sciences
- Cal Poly Faculty Honored with Learn by Doing Scholar Award
- Cal Poly Students Take Top Honors at CSU Research Competition
- Cal Poly Biological Sciences Student Wins NSF Research Fellowship
- Cal Poly Leads Preparation for Next Generation Science Standards
- 15th Annual College of Science and Mathematics Research Conference May 14 and 15
- Submit to the 2015 Student Research Conference
- Cal Poly Study Finds Preschool Obesity Rates in SLO County Reflect National Trends
- Science Cafe Presents Appropriate Technology Near and Far / Host of Open Science Cafe: Nasim Delavari
- Chemistry Alumnus Wins Paso Robles High School Teacher of the Year
- Cal Poly Again Ranked High on Return on Investment by
- Cal Poly Students and Dean Bailey to be Honored at State Capitol on March 9
- Biology Professor Blogs for National Geographic
- Statistics Student Wins Second Place in National Undergraduate Statistics Project Competition
- Cal Poly Receives National Award for Efforts to Increase Number of Physics Teachers in U.S. High Schools
- LGBT Teens in SLO County More Likely to Experience Bullying and Depression
- Cal Poly Study on Human Noise and Bird Behavior Highlighted on NBC News
- Cal Poly and Santa Maria-Bonita School District Receive $1.8 Million Math Education Grant
- Cal Poly Liberal Studies Alumna Begins Fulbright Program in Malaysia
- Documentary 'Underwater Dreams' to be Shown Feb. 9
- Cal Poly Study Sheds Light on Mothers' Bottle-Feeding Behavior
- January 16 is Application Deadline for CSU Student Research Competition
- Biology Professor Featured on TV Segment as Expert on Germs [Part 1] / [Part 2]
- Biology Professor Contributes to New York Times Article on Monarch Butterflies
- NSF Grant Will Send Cal Poly Students to International Research Collaboration
- Cal Poly Alpha Chi Sigma Fraternity Wins Best National Chapter Award
- Faculty Members Receive Distinguished Teaching Award
- Silicon Valley Entrepreneur, Investor and Engineer Named Honored Alumnus
- More than 200 Students Spend Summer Doing Research
- Kinesiology Alumnus Leads Women's Youth National Water Polo Team to Victory
- Chemistry Students Compute Ways to Stop Viruses
- Statistics Students Take Infrared Video of the Moon
- Biology Students Do Hands-On Genetic Research
- Physics Professor's Work Featured in the Journal Nature / [IPython Demo]
- Cal Poly College of Science & Mathematics Appoints New Associate Deans
- Cal Poly Shares $1 Million Grant to Fund Citizen Science Astronomy Research
- Cal Poly Pier Open House
- Explore the Oceans Day
- Guateca Program Featured in SLO Journal Plus
- California Sea Grant Extension Agent Posted at Cal Poly
- Mathematics Alumnus Stars in Animal Planet Show
Visit the Redwood Kings website
Visit the Daniels Wood Land website - $10,000 Scholarships Available for Future Science Teachers
- Hoover Herbarium Invites Volunteers to Help Preserve Plants
- Kinesiology Alumnus Named to USA Water Polo Coaching Staff
- Cal Poly Kinesiology Professor Named American College of Sports Medicine Fellow
- Student Research Journal Launched
- Liberal Studies Majors Connect Kids with Books
- Event to Launch Book Addressing Transgender and Gender-Creative Youth
- $67,000 NIH Award is First of its Kind for Cal Poly
- Cal Poly Biology Student Wins National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship
- 14th Annual College of Science and Mathematics Research Conference May 15 and 16
- Discussion on Autism to Be Held May 16 (PDF)
- Nationally Known Commentator on LGBT Athletics to Speak at Cal Poly May 14
- African Drumming Workshop May 15
- Student Research Conference Registration Deadline May 4
- Cal Poly Places in Top Seven Percent Nationwide at Prestigious Math Competition
- Tour the Cal Poly Pier in Avila Beach May 10
- Cal Poly-UCSB Fishing Study Garners National Attention / [Paper in PLOS Biology]
- Cal Poly-UCSB Study Proposes Closing the High Seas to Fishing — with Surprising Results / [Article in PLOS Biology]
- Cal Poly Sweeps Coatings Awards
- Physics Professor Discovers Two New Planets
- Chemistry Student Helps Create New Solar Material
- Statistics Alumnus Creates New Disney Products
- Santa Cruz Chamber of Commerce Names Mathematics Alumnus Man of the Year
- Physics Professor Honored by American Physical Society
- Biology Student Busts Myths about Monarch Butterfly Habitat
- Student Innovation Quest Workshops to be Held March 5 and April 7
- SLO Maker Faire Accepting Applications through Feb. 28
- Self-Healing Coating Could Eliminate Paint Scratches
- Cal Poly to Help K-12 Teachers Integrate Technology in the Classroom
- Los Angeles Radio Station Features STRIDE's Access for All Program
- Kinesiology Studies Help Local Families
- Biology Alumna to Present on Biofuels at Jan. 30 Science Cafe
- NSF Video Features Cal Poly Citizen Scientist Astronomy Study
- Application Deadline for CSU Student Research Competition is Jan. 8 (PDF)
- Congratulations December Grads!
- Cal Poly Again Among Top 50 on Kiplinger’s 'Top 100 Best Value in Public College List'
- Ocean Activities Day
- Cal Poly Partners with Local Teachers to Put Common Core into Practice
- Physics Alumnus Keeps World's Largest Telescope Running
- Are Black Holes the Chicken or the Egg?
- CSI Cal Poly
- Biology Professor Develops Tree Identification App
- Warren J. Baker Center for Science and Mathematics Dedicated Nov. 1
- Tour the Cal Poly Pier November 16
- Bridging the Gap between Academia and Sacramento
- Ocean Activities Day
- Kinesiology Professor Awarded $3.3 Million NIH Grant to Study Fathers' Health During Pregnancy
- Teaching Candidate Overcomes the Odds
- Desert Plants May Yield Evolutionary Clues
- Future Teachers Research Student Learning
- Number of Scientist-Educators on the Rise but Training and Funding Not Yet Aligned
- Physics Students Present at Prestigious Research Conference
- Students Challenge Laws of Physics in Italy
- 13th Annual College of Science and Mathematics Research Conference
- Cal Poly's Pink and Dude Chefs Demonstrate Healthy Cooking
- Cal Poly Physics Demonstrations Wow Middle School Students
- Cal Poly Student Organizes Earth Day Beach Cleanup April 21
- Biology Students Lead NSF Workshop, Teach New Technique to Professors
- Million Dollar Grant Funds Collaborative Computing
- Math Students Analyze Ancient Climate Change
- Statistics Student Wins National Awards for Biomedical Research Presentation
- Biology Study May Help Prevent Roadkills