Letter from Dean Wendt - Summer 2021
For many reasons, Cal Poly and the world are looking ahead right now — to the promise of new accomplishments awaiting our graduates, to a time when the most serious effects of the pandemic may be behind us, and to embracing the work we must do to ensure that we live in an inclusive and equitable society.
We’re already getting a taste of what fall will be like with students returning to campus for our Frost Summer Research Program. More than 400 students will collaborate with faculty mentors both in-person and remotely on research projects with topics from polymer chemistry to hydrology.
As we transition back to in-person operations, it’s also important to pause, look back and thank everyone who made this difficult but instructive year a success.
Thank you to our students, almost 700 of whom graduated and will take the Learn by Doing approach they gained at Cal Poly into the world where they will continue to innovate and discover with the goal of doing good in the world. Their perseverance and positive attitude despite hardships and disappointments inspired us all this year.
Thank you to our faculty and staff whose tremendous dedication and creativity made the transition to remote learning successful. Their genuine caring will make the return to campus thoughtful and effective.
And thank you, our alumni and friends, for your continued support that comes in so many forms. Thank you for continuing to care deeply about our students. Thank you for the encouragement you give faculty and staff. Thank you for your financial contributions, which helped us to send supplies home to students and will continue to ensure the excellence of our Learn by Doing education into the future.
As we move forward, we must do better than return to normal. We must remember all we’ve learned in this time about the strengths we have when we come together as a community grounded in love, empathy and respect. With these values as our foundation, we can continue to make the changes necessary for all College of Science and Mathematics students to thrive not only by receiving an excellent education but also by feeling a sense of welcome and belonging.
Dean Wendt, Dean
College of Science & Mathematics