In Australia
1. Sharing Astronomy around Australia
Physics professor Vardha Bennert traveled down under to present on the relationship between supermassive black holes and their host galaxies. She gave an invited talk at the University of Sydney and also spoke at the University of Queensland in Brisbane and at Swinburne University of Technology and Monash University in Melbourne.
2. Battling Corrosion in Melbourne
Chemistry Professor Erik Sapper helped to establish a collaboration among Cal Poly’s Kenneth N. Edwards Western Coatings Technology Center, the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University, and the governmental Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation in Melbourne, Australia. Researchers are working together to develop improved methods of corrosion detection and prevention in buildings, airplanes and automobiles.
3. Exploring Nanoelectronics in New Zealand
Physics Professor Colleen Marlow and her Kiwi collaborators received the prestigious Marsden Award from the Royal Society of New Zealand. Marlow’s former student, Erica Happe (Physics, ’18) is now pursuing a doctoral degree at Victoria University, Wellington, New Zealand, where she will continue to collaborate with Marlow on their research into complex nanoelectronic networks. Part of the $680,000 award will fund Happe’s doctoral research, as well as her return to Cal Poly to share her expertise and mentor current undergraduate researchers working on the project.
Read more about Cal Poly in Australia in Came for the Waves, Stayed for the Animals