Intersections Magazine - 2021
Letter from the Dean

Science and mathematics are inherently communal activities. The great power of these human endeavors is our accumulation of knowledge and truth over time, which comes from building on one another’s progress to move society forward and improve our quality of life. Every Nobel Prize or Fields Medal winner has built on other people’s contributions.
We encourage our students not only to do well in the world but to do good with the knowledge and skills they gain at Cal Poly. Whether advancing our fundamental knowledge about Earth or the universe or applying that knowledge, this process of discovery and innovation, in its noblest form, serves the common good.
Our understanding of the common good must be grounded in inclusion and equity. This means making our own disciplines of science and mathematics accessible and welcoming to all people, regardless of gender, racial, socioeconomic or other backgrounds. It also means ensuring that the projects we choose benefit people in greatest need and that the knowledge we produce is available to all.
I am proud of the contributions our students and alumni are making to their communities at all levels — locally, to the state of California and the nation, and even globally. They are making effective use of their ability to discover and innovate using the skills and mindset they learned right here on campus. They are learning by doing good.
And I’m grateful for your contributions to our Cal Poly community, which extends far beyond San Luis Obispo. From offering financial support, to giving guest presentations in classes, to hiring Cal Poly graduates, to bringing a Learn by Doing approach to your daily life, you continue to create and grow this community of lifelong learners, intrepid innovators and caring individuals.
The challenges presented to us at this moment in history are substantial, but when we approach, consider and solve them together, we can and do change the world for the better.
College of Science & Mathematics
Healthy Communities
An Innovative Response
A peek inside Cal Poly's saliva-based COVID testing program
Filling the Gaps
Students help community members own their health
Practicing a Passion for Equitable Healthcare
Learn about a Cal Poly student's valuable experiences with Mi Gente, Neustra Salud
Inclusive & Equitable Communities
Proud to be an Indigenous Educator
Manuela Cruz plans to change the future of education for indigenous children
Welcome to the Water
A new program aims to increase diversity in the marine sciences
Under the Sea
Marine science and engineering students create a virtual diving experience
Experience virtual diving video
Equal Access to the Cosmos
Cal Poly and Yale students learn about bias in astrophysics and how to fix it
Global Community
Climate Leadership Can Be Learned
Everyone can contribute to climate change solutions
Watch the accompanying video here
Putting Their Education To Use
Two Cal Poly alumni train surgeons in Ethiopia
Predicting Glacier Melt
Statistics students and faculty help predict the effects of climate change
There's A Lot Of Life In This Corpse Flower
Find out what happened to Musty the corpse flower after blooming
Check in on Musty via video