Cal Poly Around the World
The South Pole, Antarctica
Lesley Anderson (Biological Sciences, ’12; Single Subject Teaching Credential, ‘13) shows her Cal Poly pride at the South Pole. Anderson is an 11th grade biology teacher in Chula Vista, California. Through the PolarTrec program, she joined a team of research scientists in Antarctica.
Kyoto, Japan
Stephanie Mendoza (Statistics, ’18) (left) and Noelle Pablo (Statistics, ’18) gave research presentations at the 10th International Conference on Teaching Statistics in Kyoto, Japan. Mendoza’s research focused on how well statistics students retained concepts following a class. Pablo investigated different methods of teaching statistics and whether combining those methods was effective.
St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands
Cal Poly researchers traveled to the ocean floor near St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands. Bottom row, from left, alumni Marilla Lippert (Biological Sciences, ‘18) and Maurice Goodman (Biological Sciences, ‘17) and students Peter VanderBloomer and Hannah Rempel (top) investigated the impacts of parrotfish grazing on Caribbean coral reefs. The group’s research is part of an ongoing study led by Professor Ben Ruttenberg.
Berlin Germany
Standing in front of the historic Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, Germany, Taylor Page (Chemistry, ’18) sports some classic Cal Poly swag. Page’s undergraduate research in polymers with Professor Phil Costanzo led to his pursuing a master’s degree in polymer science in Germany.